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Ontario Works Employment Preparation and Placement Services

Ontario Works Employment Preparation and Placement Services

COSTI's Ontario Works – Employment Preparation and Placement program is a two-part service that assists unemployed newcomers receiving social assistance in Toronto to re-enter the work force. Participants can be referred to our four-week Pre-employment Development Program for instruction on effective job search techniques and then move on to our Employment Placement Program for advanced training and supported job placement. Others may be referred by their caseworker directly to a one-week employment placement. Individual support is available for up to four months to support job searching and six months after employment to coach individuals on keeping their jobs. Employment Consultants assist participants to identify and address barriers to employment and to maintain a high level of motivation.

See employment services available here

Services Available

  • Individual employment and career assessment services for newcomers, plus a four-week group for pre-employment preparation, including researching the labour market, choosing a job objective, developing interview and phone calling skills and creating an action plan
  • Employment placement support starting with a one-week program focusing on developing a quality resume, targeting employers and refining a job search strategy plus individual coaching
  • Direct job placement support to reach and market participants to employers and identifying job leads
  • Job fairs and guest presenter events
  • Registration to On-Line Services workshops and courses of interest
  • Financial incentives are available to employers who give participants an opportunity to prove their skills and performance

Staff at the Keele location speak Dari, Farsi, and French.

Who is Eligible

Services are available to Ontario Works clients who reside in Toronto and who are referred by their Ontario Works Case Worker.


Monday – Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Contact Details for:

Ontario Works Employment Preparation and Placement Services
Please refer to location below.
Phone: Please refer to contact information below.

This Program is Located at:

Employment Services, Toronto
2301 Keele Street, Suite 102
Toronto, ON M6M 3Z9
Phone: 416.789.7925 |

This service is free of charge.

COSTI's Ontario Works Employment Preparation and Placement Services program is funded by the City of Toronto.

Related Resources

View Workshop Calendars

Employment Services Flyer

Employment services still open for business. Your connection to employment.  We have five locations to serve you:

Download flyer here