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Youth Job Connection - Summer

Youth Job Connection - Summer

Assists youth facing challenging life situations to make informed educational and career planning decisions. Youth between the ages of 15-18 who are currently in school and returning to school in the fall and seeking summer employment.

Youth interested in this program will be assessed to clarify their employment goals, develop an employment service plan with activities and services designed assist them find summer employment or part-time employment through out the school year for up to six months. Students will participate in a 20-hour paid pre-employment training component designed to improve their job readiness and life skills. Once this component is completed students will be assisted in locating paid summer employment for up to 8 weeks.

In addition, students will be able to work up to 10 hours per week (evenings or weekends) for a maximum of six months through out to the school year. Students participating in the Youth Job Connection-Summer program will also have access to job postings advising them of any part-time or seasonal job opportunities and/or career exploration activities focused on longer term or future employment.

See employment services available here

Services Available

Youth Job Connection - Summer offers the four components of employment supports:

Client Service planning and coordination: which would provide students with an assessment and an individualized summer-employment development plan.

Pre-employment Training Workshops: Students must complete a minimum of 20 hours for which they are paid. These workshops prepare and improve the student’s ability to participate in the paid summer placement component of the program.

Job Matching, Placement and incentives: all students in the program will be placed in a summer job placement. Maximum duration of the summer placement is up to 8 weeks; and/or 10 hours per week while they are in school/over the school year during evenings and weekends for up to six months.

Education and Work Transitions Support: will provide students with information on part-time or seasonal employment during the school year and/or career exploration activities focused on the student’s longer term or future employment.

Who is Eligible

Services are available to Students returning to school in the fall between the ages of 15-18 with Challenging life situations who reside in Ontario who are eligible to work in Canada Youth Job Connection – Summer (YJC-S) is part of a comprehensive and targeted suite of employment programs and services the Ontario Government has launched to more effectively help young people across a broader spectrum of needs improve their skills and find work. This includes Youth Job Connection and Youth Job Link and the existing Employment Service. Youth Job Connection - Summer was developed as part of the Ontario government’s renewed Youth Jobs Strategy, as well as our initiative to modernize and transform employment and training programs and services to improve access and provide job seekers and employers with proven, coordinated and targeted services that meet their needs.

Contact Details for:

Youth Job Connection - Summer
Please refer to locations below.
Phone: Please refer to contact information below.

This Program is Located at:

Employment Services, Toronto
2301 Keele Street, Suite 102
Toronto, ON M6M 3Z9
Phone: 416.789.7925 |

There is no fee for this service.

COSTI's Youth Job Connection - Summer program is an Employment Ontario Program, funded in part by the Government of Canada.

Related Resources

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Employment Services Flyer

Employment services still open for business. Your connection to employment.  We have five locations to serve you:

Download flyer here