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Philosophy Of Management

Philosophy Of Management

Demonstrating Equity, Respect, and Dignity

COSTI believes that the effective management of its resources is best achieved in an environment wherein each employee is valued and recognized as an essential contributor to the Mission of the Organization.

COSTI believes that in order to succeed in their responsibilities, all employees and volunteers require respect for their abilities, trust in their commitment to accomplish COSTI's Mission and goals, and accountability for the quality of their work.

COSTI's Management Team is responsible for the management of the organization.

In carrying out its responsibility, the members of the Leadership Team and Total Management Team , will be held accountable, and will hold each other accountable, for practising this philosophy of management and following guiding principles.

Guiding Principles

1. Commitment to a Shared Vision

  • That to be truly effective, each employee needs to understand and relate to the Organization as a whole and be able to access and share COSTI's resources.
  • That all Centre specific decisions and activities need to consider the impact on other Centres and that they need to be consistent with the Organization's policies and guidelines.
  • That the members of the Management Team support and apply in a fair and consistent manner all COSTI policies and decisions.
  • That a participatory style of management that consults with staff and volunteers prior to final decisions being made that directly affect them, will be used.
  • That objective, consistent decision making based on precedent and reflecting changing conditions, are the cornerstone of sound management.
  • That change is a necessary and positive force that enhances adaptability and the ability to take the initiative to improve the services we provide.

2. Commitment to Fostering and Maintaining Constructive Working Relationships

  • That fundamental components of positive and productive working relationships are mutual respect and trustworthiness.
  • That trust can best be fostered by:
    • recognizing the value of others
    • being available and supportive
    • being objective and consistent
    • following through on one's commitments
    • communicating openly
    • appreciating the diversity of views
  • That respect can best be fostered by:
    • setting an example by expecting no less of oneself than what one expects of others
    • taking the initiative to make things better
    • maintaining constructive relationships
    • encouraging the self-confidence and self-esteem of others
    • focusing on the situation (behaviour, issue or process) not the person

3. Belief in the Value and Potential of Staff and Volunteers

The members of the Management Team are to commit to the following belief regarding staff and volunteers:

  • That an open, nurturing work environment can be fostered by:
    • providing constructive feedback about performance on a regular basis and through an annual formal appraisal
    • providing recognition for accomplishments
    • providing opportunities for development
  •   being open to constructive feedback from supervisors and supervisees