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About our Board

About our Board

COSTI's Board of Directors has ultimate accountability for the organization, and takes primary responsibility for the long-term sustainability of the organization and strategic planning. The Board is comprised of community members who are elected by the general membership for a three year term. The Board of Directors is accountable to the general membership.

As a multicultural organization, COSTI recognizes that its Board of Directors must be representative of the community that it serves, and maintains a consistent effort to ensure that this diversity is reflected at all levels of the organization. COSTI's Nominations Committee has a mandate to recruit nominees that represent the broadest cross-section of the cultural communities of greater Toronto. Current Board membership includes representation from the Chinese, South Asian, Iranian, Eastern European, Greek, and Italian communities. The Nominations Committee accepts nominations from the community, volunteers, and staff, and actively seeks those whose professional expertise meets the organization's needs.

Main Responsibilities of the Board

The main responsibilities of the Board of Directors are to:

  • determine policy;
  • set strategic directions for the organization;
  • approve new services, budgets and contracts;
  • monitor the quality of the organization's activities;
  • raise funds;
  • engage the Executive Director;
  • appoint the Executive Committee of the Board;
  • establish and serve on various Advisory Groups and Task Forces; and
  • report on their stewardship to the membership of the organization at the Annual General Meeting.

Advisory Groups of the Board

COSTI's Board of Directors has established a number of Advisory Groups related to key priority areas. Board Members are active on the Finance and Business Advisory Group; Development Council; Human Resources Committee; Information Technology Advisory Group; Nominations Committee; Public Relations and Marketing Advisory Group; and Women's Services Advisory Group.

The function of an Advisory Group of the COSTI Board is to review, examine, and monitor a specified area of service on behalf of the Board, and to isolate the key issues requiring Board consideration.

The responsibility of each Advisory Group is to:

  • assist the Board of Directors in being accountable for monitoring services, and in being financially responsible;
  • assist the organization in providing the best possible services to our clients by contributing to a specific area of service;
  • have a good understanding of COSTI's mandate, mission, philosophy; and an overview of the services provided;
  • maintain an overview of the specific area of service in terms of service delivery and resource requirements;
  • propose appropriate action to the Board as it relates to that service/support;
  • keep the Board informed of the issues, concerns, and development of the area of service/support;
  • make recommendations to the Board regarding policy development or amendment; and
  • act in an advisory capacity to COSTI in the specific area of service/support.