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Public Awareness and Training Initatives

Public Awareness and Training Initatives

Neighbours, Friends and Families (NFF)

NFF is a province-wide public education campaign that raises awareness of the signs of woman abuse so that those close to an at-risk woman or an abusive man can recognize the signs of abuse and know what actions to take in response. COSTI participated in the public awareness campaign and delivered culturally and linguistically sensitive training to community workers at participating community agencies working with immigrants and refugees.

Orientation to Ontario (O2O) Pilot Program

A bilingual initiative, O2O was designed to ease the transition of newcomers by providing access to standardized information about settling in Ontario and connecting newcomers to community services shortly after arrival.

O2O is being piloted by ten community agencies across the province. COSTI, in partnership with College Boreal and OCASI, provides program development and evaluation, promotion and staff training to support the delivery of the program.

Problem Gambling Service

COSTI's Problem Gambling Service addresses the need for culturally appropriate services for a range of ethno-cultural groups with regard to gambling and problem gambling. The program, although centered on the Greater Toronto Area, provides services across Ontario. COSTI has led the research on problem-gambling in 14 different ethnic communities. Over a period of three years the program will develop approaches, materials and resources that will be made available to these and other communities and organizations across the province.

Welcome Centre Immigrant Services

The Welcome Centre Immigrant Services is a one-stop service designed to guide and support immigrants through the maze of information and resources in York Region. Core services provided at each of the five Centres by a partnership of agencies include: settlement and integration services; language training and enhanced language training; accreditation and qualifications assistance, and employment supports.