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Planning and Evaluation

Planning and Evaluation


On a bi-annual basis, the Board of Directors undertakes an organizational review and strategic planning process, soliciting the input of funders, community partners, staff and clients. Together with senior management staff, the Board establishes key strategic directions and priorities for the next two years.

In addition, Board and staff undergo an annual program planning cycle beginning in September, and culminating with the approval of a Service Plan by the Board of Directors the following March. The Annual Service Plan integrates existing and new program/service objectives and service targets, with personnel and funding needs. The Service Plan allows for service monitoring through the provision of comparative data, and allows for costing of programs on a basic service unit level. In addition, the Service Plan facilitates the allocation of revenues and expenses on the basis of staff time allocated to specific programs.


Ongoing evaluation is an integral component of all COSTI programs. COSTI's program evaluation plan incorporates formal and informal client feedback, funder/partner input, and qualitative and quantitative measures evaluated against stated objectives. Service reports are submitted to the Board of Directors on a bi-monthly basis.

To measure the effectiveness of our services, COSTI uses a confidential client satisfaction survey. Clients are asked to rank their level of satisfaction and to make service improvement suggestions. In addition, the implementation of COSTI's Clients' Rights and Service Standards will enable and encourage clients to provide feedback through a telephone hotline.

Service and client demographic information is captured using a computerized client information system. All programs are monitored weekly and monthly by program management and senior staff, and are measured against monthly and annual targets.

Program evaluation results are incorporated into the annual program planning cycle.